Sunday, May 3, 2009


Man, it's kinda getting late but it's been a great day today!  Tim and I spent the night over at his parents house on Saturday and stayed up late.  I was crocheting and he was playing video games with his dad.  Fun times.  Then we went to bed super late and woke up kinda early cause of Miya. Miya gets what Miya wants.  Haha.  Then Hannah and I went out to pick up a few things and we found a GREAT thrift store.  It's on Palmdale road and it's ginormous!  (Ahh, I love Doug Benson)  Super fun times were had.  Pics were taken of many a creepy outfit.  A fully beaded gown on my 16 year old sister, Hannah, is awesome.  

BTW, Hannah is so awesome.  I love that she can talk to me about the stupid little things.  It makes our inside jokes so much fun.  We have too many to count.  Haha.  Anywho, she posed for a bunch of pics with my scarves and hats on for Etsy.

I'm currently being a little bit lazy and not putting the pics up.  They are so radical!  I love taking pics outside.  The lighting is perfect and it was so much fun.  Once I get them up I just know that my Etsy store will take off.  I'm also working on these creepy little monster guys, that I crochet.  They are turning out cute but they're not done yet.  

I love my family.  They are so supportive.  They always love what I do and even if my stuff doesn't come out perfect they always have nothing but nice things to say.  They're great.  All off them.  I'm such a lucky gal!  Check out my Etsy soon.  But not too soon.  (I'm so lazy :) )


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