Monday, June 22, 2009


Drive to family's house.  Drop off stuff.  Go to quilt shop.  Eat pizza and fruit salad.  Make coasters.  Quilt till' almost wilted.  Come home.  Watch Turner and Hooch.  Sleep.  Wake up with Miya.  Father's day.  Parent's house.  Filet Mignon.  Potatoe.  Salad.  In-laws house.  Deciding on hair dye.  Extreme Medium Red Brown.  Hannah dyes her hair.  First fight with heavy bag. Dinner time.  Steak.  Potatoes.  Salad.  Hot Fudge Sundaes.  Bedtime.  Wake up with Miya.  Find out I won a giveaway!  Dye my hair?


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